About Sci Con

Welcome to Sci Con, the premier conference dedicated to exploring the levels of consciousness and its related fields. At Sci Con, we gather leading researchers, scholars, and enthusiasts from around the world to share insights, present groundbreaking research on topics such as dorsal stream and episodic memory, and foster discussions that push the boundaries of our understanding of consciousness.

Our Mission

Sci Con is committed to advancing the scientific study of consciousness. Our mission is to create a collaborative and inclusive environment where ideas can flourish, and innovative research on subjects like hallucinations in the elderly and psychedelic synonym can thrive. We aim to bridge the gap between various disciplines, encouraging interdisciplinary approaches to understanding consciousness.

What We Do

  • Annual Conference: Each year, Sci Con hosts a major conference featuring keynote speeches, panel discussions, and presentations from experts in neuroscience, psychology, and related fields, covering topics like levels of consciousness psychology and consciousness levels;
  • Workshops and Seminars: Throughout the year, we offer workshops and seminars that provide deep dives into specific topics such as autonoetic consciousness and meta self-awareness, offering hands-on learning experiences;
  • Publications: We publish a variety of articles, papers, and reviews that highlight the latest findings on the levels of consciousness and theoretical developments in the study of consciousness;
  • Collaborative Research: Sci Con promotes collaborative research projects, connecting researchers with complementary expertise in areas like sentience psychological services and quantum theory books.

Why Consciousness?

Consciousness remains one of the most profound and challenging questions in science. Understanding consciousness can unlock answers to fundamental questions about human nature, cognition, and the nature of reality itself. Sci Con is at the forefront of this exploration, contributing to the growing body of knowledge in science of consciousness.

Our Community

The Sci Con community is diverse, comprising academics, students, professionals, and anyone with a keen interest in the levels of self-awareness and the definition of consciousness in psychology. We believe that collaboration and open dialogue are key to making significant advancements. At Sci Con, we value the contributions of all our members and strive to create an environment where everyone’s voice is heard.